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API Endpoints Guide
Escrito por Anderson Santos
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This article is aimed to guide developers through the steps required to consume Store related endpoints offered by Trustvox REST API.

Request Header required fields

In order to make a proper request, the header should have the following fields.

  • Accept: application/; version=1

  • Content-Type: application/json

  • Authorization: Your valid Trustvox authorization token

Observation: each store has its own unique token.

Tags endpoints

Through a simple GET request it's possible to retrieve all registered tags from Stores, Orders, Clients and Products.

In order retrieve all store's tags, you should perform a request as given:

  • Endpoint:< STORE ID>/tags

  • HTTP Method: GET

  • Success Response Body:

    • id: Trustvox unique identifier for the tag

    • name: tag's name

  • links:

    • self: URL for manipulating store through Trustvox API

cURL Example

Suppose you store id is 1, performing the following cURL command

curl --include \
	--request GET \
	--header "Accept: application/vnd.trustvox-v2+json" \
	--header "Authorization: token obscured" \

Gives the following response body:

    "links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "href": ""
    "items": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Sample/Tag"

Customising Tag requests

In order to retrieve Tags of Clients, Orders or Products, a url parameter called ` belonging_to` is needed.

Store Reviews endpoints

It's also possible to retrieve store reviews made by clients. To do so, the following request should be issued:

  • Endpoint:< STORE_ID>/store_reviews

  • HTTP Method: GET

  • Success Response Body:

    • text: opinion text

    • id: Trustvox unique identifier for the store review

    • created_at: date of creation

    • client:

      • tags: list of client tags

      • id: Trustvox unique identifier for the tag

      • first_name: client's name

      • email: client's email

Note about the endpoints of Orders, Products and Clients

It's valuable to point that the default endpoints of Orders, Products and Clients doesn't return any associated tags for the sake of shorter response time.

In order to explicitly request that tags should be embedded in the response, the parameter ` tags` should be used.

For instance, the request to orders endpoint would be as the following:

Orders endpoints

GET orders

To import all orders from a store, the following request should be performed:

  • HTTP Method: GET

  • Success Response Body:

    • id: Trustvox unique identifier for the tag

    • order_id: identifier from integration

    • client:

      • id: Trustvox unique identifier for the tag

      • first_name: client's name

      • email: client's email

    • items: list of sold products

      • id: product identifier from integration

      • name: product name

      • url: product url

      • price: sold price

GET informations of a specific order

To retrieve data about a specific order, you should perform a request with the order identifier from integration as given:

GET individual product review URLs

To retrieve individual product review URLs, you must use a parameter called ` products_urls` and set it to true:

  • Endpoint:<STORE_ ID>/orders/<ORDER_ID>?products_urls=true

  • HTTP Method GET

  • Success Response Body:

    • id: product identifier from integration

    • name: product name

    • product_review_url: a custom URL for the specific product to be reviewed by clients

Products endpoints

GET products

To retrieve all products from a store, the following request should be performed:

  • Endpoint: <STORE_ ID> /products

  • HTTP Method: GET

  • Success Response Body:

    • tags: list of product tags

    • id: product identifier from integration

    • name: product name

You can use a pagination parameter to specify how many products per page for the API to return. This can be accomplished by passing the `per_page` parameter.

GET products with opinions

In order to retrieve orders with their respective opinions, the parameter `opinions` should be passed by the GET request.

The resulting endpoint would be:

You can also:

GET products by a minimum rate

In order to get the products with a minimum rate value, the parameter `by_min_rate` should be used.


GET products such any opinion dates at least a specific date

In order to get the products that has at least one opinion dating a specific date, the parameter `commented_by` should be used.


*The date should have the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format.

GET informations of a specific product

To retrieve data about a specific product, you should perform a request with the product identifier from integration as given:

Clients endpoints

GET clients

To retrieve all clients from a store, the following request should be performed:

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